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Delta water are an advanced magnetic water treatment technology, by which ordinary, salty and low-quality water can regain its vitality and energy.
Delta water is an emerging technology in construction industry. It is significant in concrete production where magnetized water has an influence on the compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength of concrete. Magnetized water particles provide much better bonding between the other materials added to the water (Lazarenko and Zhuravlev 1985) and faster and complete hydration of cement takes place (Nan Su et al. 2000). This leads to the improved engineering properties of concrete. More benefits were proven by scientific researches. where general benefits of Delta water devices can be summarized as:
Prasad et al. measured the hardness of steel work-pieces that were rolled to different thicknesses and then subjected to a pulsating magnetic field. Hardness decreased by about 12% with magnetic treatment for the specimens rolled to the largest reduction of 80% and by about 7% for specimens rolled to 20% reduction. Increases in fatigue life of steel specimens treated with a pulsed magnetic field were reported by Fahmy et al.
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